RFQ – Real Estate Developer

Notice of Request for Qualifications – Cleveland Housing Authority, Cleveland, TN

The Cleveland Housing Authority (CHA) is seeking a company, firm or consulting team to help them re-develop and/or renovate part or all of their public housing stock under HUD’s RAD program in a multi-phase program. The CHA is seeking a long-term partnership with an entity to assist it accomplish this conversion. In addition, there may be additional development opportunities that CHA will want its developer partner to assist with after the RAD conversion has been completed.

Responses are due: 10:00am Tuesday, February 4, 2020

CHA will hold a Pre-Submission Conference on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 10:00am at the Housing Authority’s Office located at 450 Walker Street, NE, Cleveland, Tennessee 37311.

Contact: Paul A. Dellinger
Executive Director


Updated: December 18, 2019 — 8:52 am