Youth Leadership Conference 2019

The SERC-NAHRO Youth Committee would like to announce its Annual SERC-NAHRO Youth Leadership Conference. The conference will be held June 27-29, 2019, at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY. Registration for the conference will be $140.00 for participates and chaperones. This fee includes lodging on WKU campus. Thursday: dinner and recreation. Friday: breakfast, lunch, and dinner at open mic night. Saturday lunch and admission to the Waterpark.

The purpose of the conference is to provide opportunities to enhance leadership skills and personal development of public housing youth. During the conference, professionals in their field of expertise present information to students. The conference is designed to allow young people the opportunity to explore lifelike situations and their consequences without real life permanency.

This conference that will provide excellent leadership training for our youth (ages 13-18), as well as encourage them to develop strategies for a successful future. Complete the attached registration documents and return them along with payment by May 31, 2019, so that we may finalize our plans. There will be no on-site registration.


Updated: May 15, 2019 — 12:46 pm